SárGhael is delighted to now be accepting applications for Summer 2024 Courses. There is a 10% discount for all applications received before the end of November 2023.
Students are placed in classes based on their age and ability in the language. Students are encouraged to explore their own level of vocabulary and actively build on it. We firmly believe in teaching the student how to constantly add to their own learning, to become active teachers themselves.
The activities in the evening are all done through Irish and it is here that we feel students truly get to embrace the language and use what they have learned in a practical way. This is the reinforcement that leads to true learning.
Secondary School Course 10th - 21st June 2024
Primary School Course 1st - 12th July 2024.
Primary School Course Week One Only 1st - 5th July 2024
Primary School Course Week Two Only 8th - 12th July 2024
We break our courses into three different groups to provide specific teachers and courses that focus directly on the aspects of the course that will best benefit the different age groups.
Cúrsa A:
This course is generally aimed at students in 1st and 2nd year. The course aims to reinforce the learning the students have done during their first two years in secondary school and begin to prepare them for their Junior Certificate exam. The course primarily focuses on the Irish Oral exam but also builds on the students' fundamental vocabulary skills and helps develop grammar skills for essay writing and reading comprehension tasks.
Course Layout
Luan - Aoine (Monday - Friday)
10:00am - 1:00pm Formal Classes: Classes are broken up into two sessions with a 20 minute break in between.1:00pm - 1:50pm Lunch*1:50pm - 4:15pm Activities**
*Students bring their own packed lunch.
**Activities: Students will have the opportunity to take part in a range of different activities including sports, music, drama, painting, swimming, competitions etc.
What is included in the afternoon activities?
We try and include as many activities as possible so that all students are doing something they truly enjoy. A questionnaire will be sent out to each student in the run up to the course to identify the areas of interest. From this we will make out mini leagues in soccer/basketball/uni-hoc etc. We will also cater for students with an interest in music, art and dance. If there are other activities that students have a particular interest in we will make every effort to include them in the evening sessions.